From the land of the Lamas and dusty roads…

From the land of the Lamas and dusty roads…

Ladakh- A trip of clear skies, dwarfing mountains, babbling waters that makes on realise the magnitude of our world. Ladakh- the land of the Lamas was a challenging undertaking with not only the weather but the terrain changing around every corner. The neverending mountain ranges seem to hide a whole world just waiting to be explored yet ever elusive. 

I started my trip from the valley of Srinagar where I was met at the airport with the executive of HTC and it was a non-stop roller-coaster. The day was spent exploring Srinagar- from Jama Masjid and a shikara ride on the four lakes to visiting the famous Shankaracharya Temple. The day ended with me spending the night on a houseboat on Nigeen Lake with a view to die for. The serenity and calm beauty that surrounded the houseboat along with impeccable service allowed me to completely enjoy the local culture of Kashmir.

The next two days we drove through the Himalayan ranges touching key passes like FatuLa and ZojiLa with the best guide – Sajjad- who told me about the local culture. He ensured I didnt miss the key spots including War Memorial in Kargil and Lamayuru Monastery and Confluence in Sham Valley. The trip got challenging in Leh as it took me time to acclimatize to the height and air but HTC ensured that I was prepared and could rest on first day there.

Exploring Ladakh district over the next 10 days with its wild roads and off-beat sites like Tso Moriri and Hemis National Park was only possible because of the meticulous planning that had been done by HTC. The car was available all through the day and the local home visits helped me understand the Ladakhi culture better. My stay at Royal Heritage with its apple orchards and gardens was charming and comfortable to say the least and served as the perfect base as I flitted to and fro from Pangong and Nubra to Stok and Tso Kar. 

Overall the trip was a wonderful package of surprises and some surreal experiences and one with I would easily recommend to one and all. Ladakh is one of the most expresive and inclusive places I have ever been with the visit helping me grow and learn.